Friday, January 2, 2009

Chickenpox...oh no!

Ok, so we found out on New Years Eve, that our poor little Brodie has chickenpox. ugh. Of course as a Mom, I wish it could be me instead of him. Tommy and I were not expecting this at alllll. Yes, all New Years plans were cancelled but of course we were more worried about our little one. Tommy has been off with it being the holidays so it has been nice to have him home with us while we wait out the contagious period of the pox. Anyway, I'm very thankful that it has been a mild case. Brodie had the chickenpox shot at 12 months old. From what I've been told, the shot usually keeps kids from getting the virus, however if they do get it then it makes it so it is not as severe as it used to be. So, they say under thirty pox is normal for chickenpox, with having the shot. Brodie has about 15 right now. He itches occasionally or will say "hurt" and point to one. He's still been playing well and eating I'm thankful for that. He has been such a trooper! We have a few more days to go and hopefully we'll be back to can pray we don't go stir crazy or get cabin fever while staying in. :) I'm posting some pics for you to see.

So we saw the first 2 dots on the back of his neck and 2 under his arm on Monday. Tommy thought they looked like spider bites so he went searching Brodie's been for a spider. We see one on his hand on Tuesday. We weren't sure if it was some sort of allergic reaction or a rash to something. So Wednesday...we see 2 more on the backside of his knee and another one on the side of his neck. I called the doctor, and after my communicating to them what was going on and them asking questions and giving me information....the doctor confirmed to us it was definately chickenpox.

His oatmeal bath....

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