Monday, January 25, 2010

Thanks God...

So God and I had a chat yesterday and I'll share it with you. I'm a firm believer in being real and honest and transparent. I also believe that God allows us to go through things so that we can use them to reach others when "only someone else who has been there" can understand. Some of you may know, most of you probably don't know, but since having Tristan I've had some struggles dealing with some postpartum depression type stuff. I won't share everything on here now but I'm up for talking about it if you need someone to talk to who's "been there"...know that you're not alone. Anyway, about my chat with God. I walked into church yesterday and as we began to worship, God spoke straight to my heart and I know it was Him. He told me "your husband is a gift to you, from Me and you need to cherish him and treat him that way." My first thought was "Yes, I've been grumpy lately and we have a lot going on, but God, he knows I love him." I was overwhelmed with love and admiration for Tommy as God reminded me of all that he blessed me with in a husband. I know this post could go on forever but I'll keep it short. In our conversation, God told me that I view my children as gifts from Him and I cherish them but I don't always view my husband like that. I take him for granted and I have so much to learn from him. I'm selfish at times and he always gives to me. I'm grumpy and unloving at times, but he continues to love me (not only with words but with actions) no matter what. Thank you God, for the reminder. And Thank you God for one of the greatest gifts of all. I'm so in love and grateful and will forever treasure Tommy as a gift from You, to me. Thanks God.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Big Boy News!!

Ok, so of course after having Tristan, Brodie has seemed like such a big boy. He amazes me every day with his big boy "conversations" and thoughts. He truly brings joy and laughter into every day for us. Brodie has recently taken 2 big steps as a big boy. January 2nd, he threw away his paci! Yes, he had a paci but only for naps and nighttime. Brodie threw his paci in the trash can in order to have his new "Cars" TV in his room. It's been gone ever since. Then...January 14th Brodie pooped on the potty! I know, kinda gross but if you're a parent you know what I mean. lol. Brodie has been peeing on the potty and been in big boy underwear since June but has refused to poop on the potty (he would ask for a diaper). I had found 2 presents in the garage that I had forgotten to give him for Christmas. I told Brodie that he could have them when he pooped on the potty. It worked. For 3 days in a row now he has pooped on the potty. We are so proud of him. I have to say, one thing about this boy is that he will not do something until he is ready (no matter how much pressure, bribery, etc)...but once he is ready he decides, does it and that's it. He has been this way with everything from peeing on the potty to the paci and now pooping on the potty. I think he gets this from his Daddy and I have to respect the fact the he never does things half way. When he makes the decision to do it, he sticks with it and never goes back. It seems like just yesterday he was our baby boy and it is such a blessing to watch him as he transitions to a big boy. Thank you God for allowing us to be a part of this and for the things you teach us through our kids!
Where did the time go?!?