Thursday, June 3, 2010

Our growing boys :-)

Wow, I am amazed daily at how fast time flies as we watch our children grow. Tristan is 7 1/2 months already. He's our blonde hair, blue eyed wonder and is constantly melting my heart with his smile, sweet tender hearted character and contagious laugh. We're looking for teeth any day but none yet! He's been rolling over for quite a while and can scoot and pull himself anywhere. He's right on the verge of full out crawling, but for now he'll get up on hands and knees but not fully crawling that way. For now he's pulling and scooting...but don't let that fool you, he can get anywhere...and quick! He's been learning to wave and will either wave his arm wildly or open and close his hand, then look at it curiously as if wondering how it's doing that. He's been eating baby food for a couple months now, but just this week he has started to choose "our food" over the baby food. He will refuse his baby food and only want bits and pieces of real food. So..this morning he had pancakes and strawberries. I am amazed as I watch him and Brodie together. First thing in the morning, they're looking for each other, wanting to know if the other one is awake yet. Tristan reacts to Brodie like no one else...he loves him! And I can't put into words how proud I am of Brodie for being such an awesome big brother. Brodie has taken this role like a champ from the very beginning. He's always willing to help whether it's diapers or feeding or entertaining. And it makes my heart smile how he's willing to share his toys, he'll bring toys out...1 for him and 1 for Tristan. Tristan is definitely looking up to Brodie...he can't wait to jump into the action of wrestling and sword fighting as he watches for now. So little warrior. He loves swords and weapons. He's definitely all boy...taking after his daddy. His favorite thing is to sword fight...I'm not sure how I feel about this. He loves his "ninja turtle sword" and you won't catch him without it. It will most likely be tucked away in the back of his shirt...and most likely a dagger stored in the side of his pants. You think I'm joking...but I'm not. lol. I love the conversations we have with Brodie and his tender heart...he's constantly melting mine. I cherish the time I have with my boys and am thankful I can stay home with them. Although, financially I'm not sure how long we can swing it...we're still in need of financial support for Tommy to be full time at Verve, doing ministry here in Vegas. Please be in prayer with us about that and if you feel led please contact us for more information on how you can help. My next post will be an update on life here in Vegas.

Above: Notice the 2 swords....haha :)
Below, #1:Yes this was moving in time...yet Tristan's still so happy :)
Below, #2:Our little warrior...heading to check mail :) haha

Best Buddies! :)

1 comment:

Tommy said...

man i cant believe how big they are getting . . . and fast! ugh! they need to invent a time machine fast!!!!