Saturday, October 11, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday Brodie!!

So our little boy turned 2 today and I can't believe it. Time has flown so fast that sometimes I wish we could make it slow or stop just to stay in the moment. The two years we have had with Brodie have been so amazing and we can't imagine life any other way. He is such a blessing and brings so much joy to our lives. Jesus, thank you for the special moments you give us daily.

Brodie, you are so full of life and laughter that you bring smiles to anyone around you with your all-boy wild spirit :). You love to be silly and make us laugh yet you also have such a tender and loving heart. You are so special and we feel like the luckiest parents in the world to have you for our son. We pray that you will grow in the Lord and will love Him with all of your heart and serve Him with all that you are. He created you and has plans for you that are beyond what we can even imagine. We love you so much. Happy 2nd Birthday Son!

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