Friday, June 4, 2010

3 weeks in Vegas...

So, it's been 3 weeks since our big move to Vegas. I would love to say that we're completely settled and unpacked and the house is perfect....but it's not. We're functional, but definitely not perfect. We're getting there, but the process is much slower with 2 little ones running around this place. Life here has been very busy so far and pretty crazy. I'm going to try to update here somewhat frequently because it's goes by so fast, I don't want to forget it!
Our first week here our friends Paul and Suzie Wirth came in town for their 20th anniversary. It was awesome getting to see them and hang out with them. They got to come check out Verve and loved it. We went to Hoover Dam with them and also got a deal on tickets to see the show "O" with backstage passes..thanks to our friend Jess, from Verve who is in the show.
Tommy's been working full time with Verve so we've been learning the balance of ministry and family life. I love seeing that he is doing what he was called to do and is so passionate about it. I know we're where God wants I'm content. He's been so good and so evident in our lives even in the short time we've been here. Tommy's been stepping into some lead roles in different areas at Verve. One is a an organization created to serve the community, meeting the most unmet needs of the city. Having been overseas and seen some of the devastation of other countries, Tommy has a heart for those less fortunate than us, so that will be a part of this ministry. Another area of "ministry" Tommy is leading in is seeking to find ways to serve the UFC, here in Vegas. It all happened so fast, but I'll give you the short story in my next post :).
So, Sunday 13 people got baptized at Verve!! Awesome, huh? It's humbling that God has called us to be apart of this and it's awesome to see the lives that are being changed here, for Him! Tommy and I met a couple through friends, that came to Verve for the 1st time and loved it. They said it felt like "home" and it was totally God because it came at a time when they both needed it in their lives. Brodie and I also made some new friends. I took him to play at a local place here and it was just one other mom and her son there. We got to chatting and spent the day together. We exchanged information so we hope to get together with them again soon! We spent Memorial Day at some friends house for a cookout and pool time. :)
The weather here has been great. We actually just turned our AC on today...due to the expected temps of over 100 degrees this weekend. Oh, and I just got an outlet installed for my dryer (it was set up for gas and our dryer is electric) I'm catching up on 3 weeks worth of laundry. AND...We love skype!! It helps soo much with being so far away from family. Brodie now says..."I miss so-and-so, can we skype?". So...send us your skype name :).
Two handsome guys...I'm also loving the palm trees in the background. :)

The kids playing in the pool after the baptisms.

A view of the "O" Show

Boys doing boy things!

Tristan and I at the pool/cookout with friends!

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