I am one blessed wife and mommy. There are so many things I see everyday that you don't get to see and I want to share them with you.
10 things I love about you...
1-I love Brodie's heart. It's like no other I've ever known. Just a few examples...
The other night, I was cooking dinner and Brodie comes up to me and says "Mom, we need to go check on John." My response "I know honey, we want to..we've just been so busy lately." Brodie "We can't just leave him out there." You probably don't know about John but he is a homeless man we've tried to help and stay in contact with. It's been weeks since we've gone by to see him or take him anything and Brodie said this out of nowhere. Tommy wrote about how we met John, on his blog at www.tommyaltman.blogspot.com. Another occasion recently, Brodie asked for ice cream. I told him there was only a little bit left but probably enough for him. He immediately turned to Daddy and said "you can have it Daddy." When Daddy told him that he didn't want it and it was ok for him to have it, he turned to me and said "You can have it mommy." I again told him no, he could have it. He responds with "yall can have it later!." Really? I ended up fixing it for him and he ate it, but sometimes I wish my heart and attitude was more like he showed here. I could give you more examples but I'll move on now.
2-I love Tristan's scrunched up grin. It's tough to catch on camera but it makes me smile every time. Actually, Tommy and I usually find ourselves cracking up together when he does it. He will scrunch up his nose and grin at the same time. It's even more adorable with his 2 little teeth on the bottom. I love it.
3-I love how Tommy loves me like no other. Seriously. This man of mine has shown me love like I've never known or seen. Here's a small example from just the other day. We were on a date and were walking down the strip and through a few casinos. Of course I had on high heels. Well, If you know me you know that I walk pretty fast, so Tommy knew something was wrong when I was hardly keeping up with him. He asked what was wrong and I showed him the blister that was from my shoes. Soon after, I went into the bathroom in one of the casinos...I came out and he has a box of bandaids. My response "Seriously...we're in a casino! How much did those things cost?!!" "$7.00." Oh my. Smart or not...it didn't matter to him. He didn't want me to be in pain and would do whatever it took. I took my shoes off in the parking garage (I know, gross...but it hurt that bad), and he picked me up and carried me all the way to the car. I remember a conversation I had with my mom when I knew that Tommy was the man I wanted to marry. I remember her telling me "You'll never find someone who loves you the way he does". How very very true mom. He loves me even when I'm unlovable.
4-I love Brodie's warrior spirit. I know you've all seen the sword...but have you seen him use it? He's becoming a warrior. He's in a stage where he loves to pretend. He will tell me "Mom, pretend the bad guys are coming and tell me to come save you." So he comes to my rescue.
5-I love that Tristan is learning to do new things and will turn around to see if you're watching. I love his rasberries. I love his laugh. I love his arms and legs wrapped around me grasp, like he'll never let go. I love his arms stretched up, "pick me up" look. I love when I bring him down stairs in the morning he looks at Sugie and says "dog-dog".
6-I love that I still think Tommy is the most handsome man I've ever layed eyes on and that I would chose him again in a heart beat. I love that I get to go to bed and wake up with him next to me every morning.
7-I love hearing Brodie walk around or in the car, singing songs he heard our band sing at church.
8-I love to watch my babies sleeping. I love to rock and cuddle and scratch their backs as they fall alseep. And I love to check on them and stare at them while they look so peaceful and innocent and adorable, sleeping.
9-I love that Tommy is so sincere and passionate about God and leads our family in learning how to love God and love people.
10-I love my family and I love feeling like the luckiest girl in the world with 3 amazing guys in my life, who bring me undescribable joy every day. Thanks God.